Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Well we finally left, what a mixed bag of emotions we are right now.

Many months later than we expected,  but although we had thought we would be back in Haiti well before now we are at peace and know this is Gods timing. We wanted to thank a few people for taking such good care of us.

Firstly thanks to Andy and Neen for allowing us to stay in their home for so long. You guys are so wonderful to us and we feel very blessed to have been able to spend so much quality time with you and your boys.

Thanks to our families for loving us and for making the effort to come see us so that we could spend valuable time together. You are all very important people in our lives and we will miss you all so much.

Thanks to our church KBC we love you guys and we thank you for guiding us through support raising and also for allowing us to share our testimonies with our church family. Thanks to Steve and the Sim team for putting up with and helping missionaries that don't fit the mould and for walking on this journey with us.

Thanks to Chay, Henry, Justin and Felicia for taking such good care of our Mac. Spending time with him just makes us love him more and we are so blessed to know he is so loved by you and as much a part of your family as he is ours.

I also want to thank our prayer team. Thank you for being so dedicated to praying and interceding for us and the work that we are doing. Your positive impact on this journey can not be overstated. 

Thank you also to our generous supporters who have stepped in to financially support us and our projects. You truly are share holders in what Gods doing through us. Thank you for giving so sacrificially so that others you will never meet will have a better future.

Finally I would like to thank our friends. You are the sweetest most encouraging, on fire group of people I have ever met. Thank you for loving us, journeying with us, crying and rejoicing with us. Spending so much quality time with you all has made leaving again that much harder.

I cried a lot this time leaving and I know we will miss you all very much. We knew there was a price to pay when we signed up for this but someday's it is harder than others.

 Through the sadness we are excited and looking forward to what adventures lay ahead over the next 12 months. We are certainly excited to see what God is going to do not only in Haiti but back home in Brisbane too.

Love Barry and Bec

P S if you would like to be on our Prayer email click here

P P S  if you would like to be a financial support click here

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